₩78,000 ₩75,000
Learn the fundamentals of number theory from former MATHCOUNTS, AHSME, and AIME perfect scorer Mathew Crawford. Topics covered in the book include primes & composites, multiples & divisors, prime factorization and its uses, base numbers, modular arithmetic, divisibility rules, linear congruences, how to develop number sense, and much more.
The text is structured to inspire the reader to explore and develop new ideas. Each section starts with problems, so the student has a chance to solve them without help before proceeding. The text then includes motivated solutions to these problems, through which concepts and curriculum of number theory are taught. Important facts and powerful problem solving approaches are highlighted throughout the text. In addition to the instructional material, the book contains hundreds of problems. The solutions manual contains full solutions to nearly every problem, not just the answers.
This book is ideal for students who have mastered basic algebra, such as solving linear equations. Middle school students preparing for MATHCOUNTS, high school students preparing for the AMC, and other students seeking to master the fundamentals of number theory will find this book an instrumental part of their mathematics libraries.
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#674 Korea house Ctr, 45-11 Yeouido-Dong, Yeongdeungpo-Ku, Seoul Korea 150-736
서울 영등포구 영등포구 여의도동 45-11 주택건설회관 674 우>150-736
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